How to charm me

Anna Sawin is a Connecticut-based portrait, wedding, and editorial photographer. She lives in the shoreline town of Stonington with her family and has discovered the perfect cupcake. Just ask, she is willing to share her secret.
Anna Sawin is a Connecticut-based portrait, wedding, and editorial photographer. She lives in the shoreline town of Stonington with her family and has discovered the perfect cupcake. Just ask, she is willing to share her secret.
zrrsh, zrrsh
That’s Henry’s word for raisins, in case you are wondering what that last comment is about!
How sweet. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I’ve been here before, but I can’t remember if I commented or not (found you through Arizaphale as well!). Oh, and I LOVE your header image. Did you do that yourself?
so adorable. i’ll have to pick up a cold before i see henry next!
oh man, he is getting so big! Love those vibrant shots.
I can’t wait till Zane talks for moments like this!
That is so cute. This post makes me want kids NOW.
That is so cute! I love the pictures, too…he looks all nice and cozy warm.
Henry looks like Will in these photos. And LUV the RED hat!
That is too sweet! And I agree – I LOVE that red hat! In fact, I have one that looks just like it…for myself!
Yep, that would charm me, too. But is this a current Henry story, or an oldie from William? Cuz I swear, Henry looks JUST like Will here. Love the red hat/pants. Such a coorinated little guy.
Too adorable for words!
holy crap he is so damn cute. i love how his red hat matches his rosey cheeks and red lips. so sweet.
GAH! He is adorable! I (like everyone) love the colors! And the sweet little intent expression on his face as he fishes out his raisins. Or zrrsh.
probably until ummmm last year (ehhhhh) i said “blesh” you!!!!!!
double gah! he is adorable. and zrrrsh! so flippin’ cute.
emma always used to ask us “bless you to me, mama?” if we didn’t jump on the bless you the minute she sneezed!
What sweet photos! My little guy loves to put gobs of raisins in his mouth and chew on them, but won’t actually eat them. We joke that he looks like a baseball player chewing tobacco.
Oh the hat the HAT!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh*