RIP, Paw Paw
Martha’s dogs Francesca, Paw Paw and Sharkey (behind)
October 2007, Bar Harbor, Maine
To the several THOUSAND people who found their way here in the last few days searching for
paw paw dog Martha Stewart
Martha dog
dog died Martha
paw paw
Martha Stewart dog died
and so on, I think this is the post you were looking for.
I hadn’t heard the news or noticed my blog stats until my friend Sarah sent me this, Martha’s somewhat breathless but sincere eulogy to Paw Paw and an account of his last days as king pooch. And my first thought was how did I not know that Martha has a BLOG! And then I thought, how sad, because she really did love that dog. (I’ve seen the affection first hand, at her house. She really, really loves her dogs.)
So anyway, searchers of Paw Paw, welcome.
And Paw Paw, may you rest in peace. I hope Doggie Heaven can measure up to your lovely life as Martha’s dog.
* * *
In other news, my neighbor-the-dermatologist has just gone on record as taking the world’s shortest maternity leave. Because less than 72 hours after GIVING BIRTH she was busy treating my volcano in her kitchen.
The new baby is gorgeous, big brother seems to be taking it in stride and a second child has clearly done nothing to diminish mom and dad’s outstanding ability for hospitality, even just 10 hours after coming home from the hospital. THOSE are the kind of neighbors you want to have.
Thanks again, Jenn! You’re amazing and my volcano is looking better already. I think I’m going to be just fine in time for Real Simple!
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Anna Sawin is a Connecticut-based portrait, wedding, and editorial photographer. She lives in the shoreline town of Stonington with her family and has discovered the perfect cupcake. Just ask, she is willing to share her secret.
So, is this the part where I refrain from telling you that I have Martha’s Blog in my GoogleReader for fear of being ridiculed? You wouldn’t make fun of me, would you? Because, if so…I’d have to pretend that I didn’t know Martha had a blog. 😉
poor paw paw
I have the Martha Blog on my Google Reader too! I thought her tribute to Paw Paw was really nice. Glad to hear the derm momma neighbor came through for your volcano–I was thinking about you this morning because I have a volcano just starting to emerge!
What a wonderful neighbor you have – you are so lucky!
As for poor Paw Paw…I’m going to guess that doggy heaven might fall a bit short after living a life of extravagance in Martha’s mansion. 😉